Art inspired by Scotland, Sweden...and Abba!
Art inspired by Scotland, Sweden...and Abba!
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JanDon Art is here!

Well, here it is- my website is now live, phew! Despite what people on YouTube might like to have you think, you can't really 'create a website in minutes'. So this has been building up over the best part of a year. 

The first thing to do is to build a 'body of work', so this takes time. None of my previous paintings are included as I endeavoured to create an entirely new collection. So here I am, with an initial set of 15 paintings inspired by Scotland, Sweden, and Abba!

The next thing was to set up the website - I hope you like it. There are various option for ordering prints if you see something you like.

I have started on my next paintings, and if you'd like to keep in touch, please sign up to an occasional newsletter. 

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